
Many election forecasting models rely at least in part on so called “fundamentals,” that are outside of the candidates control. The classic example of a “fundamental” is the economy. The incumbent challengers (and theoretically, a candidate from the incumbent party) could have some influence on the economy, but in general it is well outside of the control of any one person or campaign. For example, some believe that the economy was the deciding factor in the 2012 election, given then President Barack Obama the edge over Mitt Romney, with the economy growing just enough to overcome the typical anit-incumbent sentiment in United State elections1.

In doing so, a number of assumptions are made about voters. There are three main factors to consider when attempting to model voter choice as a function of the economy:

  1. How direct is the relationship between voting and the economy?
  2. Do voters have complete information?
  3. Do voters have a sociotropic or individual focus?

Questions 2 and 3 have been studied empirically, and will inform the model that I build during this post. The answer to question 1 is more philosophical: does seeing higher GDP numbers make voters more inclined to vote one way or another? Or is it more indirect, where a higher GDP leads to more money in people’s pockets, making them happier which makes them more inclined to vote for the status quo? Figuring out the answer is tricky.

Choosing Model Inputs

To model voter behavior, we must first think about the inputs into a model. Let’s begin with the issue of time frame. It is a well documented fact that people have short memories when it comes to abstract ideas like the economy, and that remains true when looking at voting outcomes. Not only are people much more responsive to the election year economy2, placing nearly 75% of the weight on the election year economy, they place the majority of their weight on the final two quarters before the election3. Because of this, I will use data from the second quarter of 2020 (as third quarter data does not yet exist).

To deal with the problem of figuring out which variables to choose, consider both questions 1 and 3 from the introduction. I believe that it is a reasonable assumption that people care about their own income, but also are influenced by the national economy (either indirectly through the job market, or just through the news). Because of this, I will use two economic indicators: national level GDP growth in quarters 1 and 2 of the election year, and personal income growth in quarters 1 and 2. In both cases, the data I use is compared to the previous quarter and controls for the time of year. I will vary the scope (e.g. national vs state) of the personal income data, depending on the exact model.

Varying the scope of personal income is intentional: I believe it is a reasonable assumption to make that for more direct economic indicators, people may be influenced a more local level. After examining the results, we will return to if this is actually a reasonable assumption to make.

A National Model

We can begin with a national level model, looking at data over time. We can regress national personal income growth in the first and second quarters, along with national GDP growth on the incumbents two party vote share in each election year4.

## Call:
## lm(formula = vote_margin ~ 1 + GDP_growth_qt_1 + GDP_growth_qt_2 + 
##     RDI_growth_1 + RDI_growth_2, data = nat_econ_df)
## Residuals:
##    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
## -6.478 -2.683  1.478  2.616  5.366 
## Coefficients:
##                 Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)       48.343      2.621  18.447 4.72e-09 ***
## GDP_growth_qt_1    2.254      1.467   1.536    0.156    
## GDP_growth_qt_2    2.149      1.426   1.507    0.163    
## RDI_growth_1      -1.675      2.149  -0.779    0.454    
## RDI_growth_2       1.416      1.928   0.735    0.479    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 4.388 on 10 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.5003, Adjusted R-squared:  0.3004 
## F-statistic: 2.503 on 4 and 10 DF,  p-value: 0.1091

This model does an all together mediocre job of prediction.

All together, this model seems like it could be useful, but we must first map it onto the state level. Something to check is if the predicted outcomes makes sense. This model predicts that Trump will win 28.69 percent, an exceedingly low fraction of the popular vote. This is likely tied to the severe decline in GDP in the second quarter due to COVID.

A State Level Model

As discussed in last week’s post, the states are what really matters for winning elections. We can move to a state by state model, first estimating the results for each state indepedently. To do so, we draw on personal income data from the first and second quarters of each election year dating back to 19605. Unfortunately, the state by state data for quarter 2 will not be released until later this week, so for the time being I used the national personal income growth for quarter 2 in every state. We run 50 indepdent regressions, one for each state and estimate the results of this year’s election by doing so.

This election map is somewhat surprsing: again, it would appear that a massive GDP drop off in the second quarter dooms President Trump. This would be one of the worst results in history of the United States. We can look at the vote margins for Trump:

##                   State Trump Vote Share Vote Margin Winner
## 1               Alabama        26.403849  -47.192301  Biden
## 2                Alaska        42.090632  -15.818736  Biden
## 3               Arizona         5.013441  -89.973118  Biden
## 4              Arkansas        18.532859  -62.934282  Biden
## 5            California        28.805607  -42.388786  Biden
## 6              Colorado        17.237667  -65.524667  Biden
## 7           Connecticut        21.051791  -57.896417  Biden
## 8              Delaware        19.302765  -61.394470  Biden
## 9               Florida        21.019253  -57.961494  Biden
## 10              Georgia        28.036505  -43.926991  Biden
## 11               Hawaii        34.493926  -31.012149  Biden
## 12                Idaho        -8.778350 -117.556699  Biden
## 13             Illinois        29.752929  -40.494143  Biden
## 14              Indiana        24.464451  -51.071097  Biden
## 15                 Iowa        43.976066  -12.047869  Biden
## 16               Kansas        23.640135  -52.719730  Biden
## 17             Kentucky        32.260160  -35.479679  Biden
## 18            Louisiana         5.473828  -89.052345  Biden
## 19                Maine        28.321509  -43.356982  Biden
## 20             Maryland        36.251570  -27.496860  Biden
## 21        Massachusetts        28.295551  -43.408898  Biden
## 22             Michigan        27.068831  -45.862339  Biden
## 23            Minnesota        49.285636   -1.428729  Biden
## 24          Mississippi         5.763629  -88.472741  Biden
## 25             Missouri        30.524398  -38.951204  Biden
## 26              Montana        16.542776  -66.914448  Biden
## 27             Nebraska         3.466203  -93.067594  Biden
## 28               Nevada       -11.082928 -122.165855  Biden
## 29        New Hampshire         5.685177  -88.629645  Biden
## 30           New Jersey        18.881777  -62.236445  Biden
## 31           New Mexico        19.027538  -61.944925  Biden
## 32             New York        32.251470  -35.497059  Biden
## 33       North Carolina        23.879665  -52.240671  Biden
## 34         North Dakota         4.273159  -91.453682  Biden
## 35                 Ohio        29.517961  -40.964079  Biden
## 36             Oklahoma        20.836628  -58.326744  Biden
## 37               Oregon        43.607713  -12.784573  Biden
## 38         Pennsylvania        31.253629  -37.492743  Biden
## 39         Rhode Island        27.016549  -45.966903  Biden
## 40       South Carolina        15.756994  -68.486011  Biden
## 41         South Dakota        73.173053   46.346105  Trump
## 42            Tennessee        37.509403  -24.981195  Biden
## 43                Texas        22.564355  -54.871289  Biden
## 44                 Utah       -23.921214 -147.842427  Biden
## 45              Vermont        45.519178   -8.961644  Biden
## 46             Virginia        23.229998  -53.540004  Biden
## 47           Washington        29.065603  -41.868794  Biden
## 48        West Virginia        27.949838  -44.100324  Biden
## 49            Wisconsin        43.614864  -12.770272  Biden
## 50              Wyoming        -8.058901 -116.117802  Biden
## 51 District of Columbia       203.792194  307.584387  Trump

Based on this model, Trump is not only consistently losing, but consistently getting routed. This includes several states with negative vote shares, and the District of Columbia with a nonsensical 203.79 vote share. One potential problem with this model is that each state is independent: it could be that in years where the economy is in bad shape, certain states respond in similar ways across time which could reduce some of the more drastic effects.

Incorporating State Fixed Effects

Instead of running 50 seperate regressions, we can instead run a single, much larger regression but with dummy variables for the states. This controls for particular states behaving similarly across time6.

## Call:
## lm(formula = vote_share ~ Q1 + Q2 + gdp_1 + gdp_2 + state, data = state_reg)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -43.325  -6.317   0.219   6.497  49.152 
## Coefficients:
##                           Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)               47.64501    2.92181  16.307  < 2e-16 ***
## Q1                         0.14035    0.06158   2.279   0.0229 *  
## Q2                        -0.09386    0.05943  -1.579   0.1147    
## gdp_1                      2.07015    0.49006   4.224 2.71e-05 ***
## gdp_2                      2.57721    0.38422   6.708 4.05e-11 ***
## stateAlaska                0.35305    3.97471   0.089   0.9292    
## stateArizona              -0.23693    3.97564  -0.060   0.9525    
## stateArkansas             -1.53453    3.97404  -0.386   0.6995    
## stateCalifornia           -0.36613    3.97611  -0.092   0.9267    
## stateColorado             -0.24455    3.97579  -0.062   0.9510    
## stateConnecticut           1.10445    3.97457   0.278   0.7812    
## stateDelaware              0.24263    3.97565   0.061   0.9514    
## stateDistrict of Columbia -1.41817    4.04246  -0.351   0.7258    
## stateFlorida               0.40891    3.97685   0.103   0.9181    
## stateGeorgia              -1.39878    3.97452  -0.352   0.7250    
## stateHawaii                2.98462    3.97598   0.751   0.4531    
## stateIdaho                -1.50155    3.97445  -0.378   0.7057    
## stateIllinois             -0.44256    3.97451  -0.111   0.9114    
## stateIndiana              -0.66008    3.97450  -0.166   0.8681    
## stateIowa                 -1.50825    3.97491  -0.379   0.7045    
## stateKansas               -1.15899    3.97510  -0.292   0.7707    
## stateKentucky             -0.85581    3.97477  -0.215   0.8296    
## stateLouisiana            -1.39417    3.97428  -0.351   0.7258    
## stateMaine                 2.08528    3.97431   0.525   0.6000    
## stateMaryland              0.50613    3.97563   0.127   0.8987    
## stateMassachusetts         0.24969    3.97437   0.063   0.9499    
## stateMichigan              0.49366    3.97410   0.124   0.9012    
## stateMinnesota            -1.34342    3.97588  -0.338   0.7355    
## stateMississippi          -1.48956    3.97494  -0.375   0.7080    
## stateMissouri             -1.15179    3.97413  -0.290   0.7720    
## stateMontana              -2.12416    3.97598  -0.534   0.5933    
## stateNebraska             -0.45873    3.97422  -0.115   0.9081    
## stateNevada               -1.01995    3.98179  -0.256   0.7979    
## stateNew Hampshire         1.04226    3.97466   0.262   0.7932    
## stateNew Jersey            1.64157    3.97466   0.413   0.6797    
## stateNew Mexico           -0.83239    3.97407  -0.209   0.8342    
## stateNew York              0.87950    3.97435   0.221   0.8249    
## stateNorth Carolina       -0.65306    3.97477  -0.164   0.8695    
## stateNorth Dakota         -2.72779    3.98947  -0.684   0.4944    
## stateOhio                 -0.13395    3.97468  -0.034   0.9731    
## stateOklahoma             -0.40766    3.97544  -0.103   0.9184    
## stateOregon               -1.40166    3.97756  -0.352   0.7247    
## statePennsylvania         -0.74369    3.97715  -0.187   0.8517    
## stateRhode Island          1.39328    3.97444   0.351   0.7260    
## stateSouth Carolina       -1.37423    3.97595  -0.346   0.7297    
## stateSouth Dakota         -1.88598    4.00152  -0.471   0.6376    
## stateTennessee            -1.25400    3.97622  -0.315   0.7526    
## stateTexas                -0.11298    3.97593  -0.028   0.9773    
## stateUtah                 -0.16320    3.97423  -0.041   0.9673    
## stateVermont               1.57425    3.97492   0.396   0.6922    
## stateVirginia              0.14062    3.97537   0.035   0.9718    
## stateWashington            0.28444    3.97969   0.071   0.9430    
## stateWest Virginia        -1.84890    3.97510  -0.465   0.6420    
## stateWisconsin            -1.18991    3.97404  -0.299   0.7647    
## stateWyoming              -1.58783    3.97480  -0.399   0.6897    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 10.69 on 708 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:   0.13,  Adjusted R-squared:  0.06364 
## F-statistic: 1.959 on 54 and 708 DF,  p-value: 8.309e-05

Taking a careful look at this regression reveals some interesting trends.

  1. Q1 and Q2 are the personal income in the first and second quarters before an election year, and based on the coefficients, they do not seem to matter for the incumbent’s vote share nearly as much as GDP or the state fixed effects.

  2. One way to interpret the state fixed effects is as a measure of willingness to vote for an incumbent. With that interpretation in mind, it is not surprising that many of the coefficients are negative, given the well documented bias against incumbents.

  3. Before making predictions or looking at the electoral map, again this would seem to tilt heavily in Biden’s favor for the upcoming election, given the severe drop in GDP during the second quarter of this year.

  4. The standard error is huge, at 10.69, meaning that this entire regression may not be of any real use.

We can use this model to generate an electoral map, along with electoral college results.

##                   State Trump Vote Fraction Vote Margin Winner
## 1               Alabama            23.52186   -52.95628  Biden
## 2                Alaska            23.65034   -52.69931  Biden
## 3               Arizona            23.34108   -53.31785  Biden
## 4              Arkansas            21.84697   -56.30605  Biden
## 5            California            23.07152   -53.85696  Biden
## 6              Colorado            23.16503   -53.66994  Biden
## 7           Connecticut            24.55614   -50.88772  Biden
## 8              Delaware            23.79256   -52.41487  Biden
## 9  District of Columbia            22.00545   -55.98911  Biden
## 10              Florida            23.94481   -52.11038  Biden
## 11              Georgia            22.15116   -55.69769  Biden
## 12               Hawaii            26.08542   -47.82916  Biden
## 13                Idaho            22.16066   -55.67867  Biden
## 14             Illinois            23.00912   -53.98175  Biden
## 15              Indiana            22.62317   -54.75365  Biden
## 16                 Iowa            22.08379   -55.83243  Biden
## 17               Kansas            22.22251   -55.55497  Biden
## 18             Kentucky            22.56780   -54.86440  Biden
## 19            Louisiana            22.02945   -55.94111  Biden
## 20                Maine            25.63521   -48.72957  Biden
## 21             Maryland            23.92974   -52.14052  Biden
## 22        Massachusetts            23.70137   -52.59726  Biden
## 23             Michigan            23.56638   -52.86723  Biden
## 24            Minnesota            22.13634   -55.72733  Biden
## 25          Mississippi            21.93405   -56.13189  Biden
## 26             Missouri            22.25779   -55.48443  Biden
## 27              Montana            21.20121   -57.59758  Biden
## 28             Nebraska            23.06314   -53.87373  Biden
## 29               Nevada            22.23524   -55.52953  Biden
## 30        New Hampshire            24.39570   -51.20860  Biden
## 31           New Jersey            25.00904   -49.98191  Biden
## 32           New Mexico            22.97018   -54.05964  Biden
## 33             New York            24.09259   -51.81483  Biden
## 34       North Carolina            22.88283   -54.23433  Biden
## 35         North Dakota            20.72390   -58.55221  Biden
## 36                 Ohio            23.23352   -53.53295  Biden
## 37             Oklahoma            23.04403   -53.91194  Biden
## 38               Oregon            21.99389   -56.01223  Biden
## 39         Pennsylvania            22.62378   -54.75243  Biden
## 40         Rhode Island            24.85900   -50.28199  Biden
## 41       South Carolina            22.18974   -55.62053  Biden
## 42         South Dakota            21.50957   -56.98087  Biden
## 43            Tennessee            22.14155   -55.71691  Biden
## 44                Texas            23.50713   -52.98574  Biden
## 45                 Utah            23.48498   -53.03004  Biden
## 46              Vermont            25.06804   -49.86391  Biden
## 47             Virginia            23.74669   -52.50661  Biden
## 48           Washington            23.76420   -52.47161  Biden
## 49        West Virginia            21.57472   -56.85057  Biden
## 50            Wisconsin            22.27581   -55.44838  Biden
## 51              Wyoming            21.91999   -56.16002  Biden

Biden wins quite literally every single state, in what would be the most lopsided election in United States history. There are also some particularly odd results: Biden would be expected to win Missouri by more than he would win Rhode Island, whcih is directly contrary to reality. Biden would be expected to win every state by roughly the same margin as in the national prediction; this suggests that particular states do not vote differently based on economic variables.

Earlier, when I assumed that there would be heterogeneity between states, I was clearly wrong. These results also suggest that trying to use the economy at the state level as a predictor is much more difficult than at the national level - it may be that other factors like demographics, voting restrictions, social issues, the Supreme Court, and other issues are much more important at the local level. While this is an unsatisfying conclusion to a blog post, it is also a valuable lesson for future predictions and modelling: what works at a national level may not work at a state level.

What does this mean for the election?

All three versions of the economics based model I ran give Trump essentially no shot at winning the election, but that does not mean his re-election campaign is completely doomed. Reputable (and much more sophisticated) models like the ones from FiveThirtyEight and The Economist give Trump a serious chance of winning, ranging from 10 to 25 percent.

What my models say is that Trump is going up against a terrible national enviornmnet, but not that he has no shot. A more sophisticated model (similar to what FiveThirtyEight and The Economist do) would use the national enviornment as a starting point and then use other factors like polling, accounting for turnout, and shocks to come up with an eventual winner. This could happen in the form of Bayesian updating7, using a prior based on the economy, demographics and previous election results, and then using polling and current events to update. Once we begin to incorporate polling, this will become a viable strategy for modelling the election.

  1. Sides, John, et al. The Gamble: Choice and Chance in the 2012 Presidential Election - Updated Edition. Princeton University Press, 2014. Project MUSE

  2. Healy, Andrew, and Lenz, Gabriel S. “Substituting the End for the Whole: Why Voters Respond Primarily to the Election-Year Economy.” American Journal of Political Science, vol. 58, no. 1, 2014, pp. 31–47.

  3. Achen, Christopher H, and Bartels, Larry M. Democracy for Realists. REV - Revised ed., Princeton University Press, 2017.

  4. Data for this regression comes from a number of sources. Real disposable income comes from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). GDP growth comes from the BEA and the Department of Commerce.

  5. This data comes from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, “Quarterly Personal Income By State.”

  6. A careful examination of the code reveals that I am not conducting a fixed effects regression in the standard way. To get consistent and unbiased estimates for the coefficients, I would normally subtract the mean value across time for each state. However, with this dataset, doing so leads to problems with collinearity (as GDP and personal income are correlated) when trying to make predictions. For the sake of having predictions, I decided to just include dummy variables instead.

  7. More on this later - this is probably the end goal for my overall prediction model.